I heard a story today that filled me with hope. And I could use some hope right now. I was on a video class that I facilitate to support people integrating Nonviolent Communicaiton. A woman from Poland told a story of a friend of hers who had a difficult situation. Her 3 year old son had spilled boiling water on himself and was taken to the hospital. He was in great pain and she of course wanted to be there with him. She also had another young son, a few months old, she was nursing. This children's hospital had a policy of not allowing any children to visit. She was stuck between choosing which child to be with and comfort. After a few days of trying to navigate this tough situation, she told the hospital staff she would not be following their rules. She had learned NVC so she listened to their arguments, gave them empathy for the safety and protection they were trying to provide, then she expressed what wasn't working and how it was not meeting needs for well being for her hospitalized child nor her infant child, nor her, and in the end, it was not meeting the very needs the rule had been created to protect. They not only listened, they decided to let her come to the hospital with her young son, AND they decided to change the policy. Now the hospital administrator wants to train all the staff in Nonviolent Communication! All from one person being nonviolence and having the ability to listen and express in ways that led to connection. And she did this even though they were threatening her with various punishments and consequences. We can find ways to come back to our compassionate ways, care for our needs along with others without reacting, fighting, punishing, etc.! We can find a way to get us back to seeing our humanity and finding ways that work for all!
AuthorMarcia has been studying and practicing Nonviolent Communication since 2005. She has experienced immense joy & gratitude while learning this consciousness. This blog reflects some of that learning. Archives
April 2020