REGISTER Compassion for Parents (aka Parenting from Your Heart) 8 week series, in person. PAYMENT:
Please indicate your payment on the registration form. Please make a payment to hold your spot. I would appreciate payment one week before the class or workshop begins. You can also bring a check to the first session if there is less than one week before the class begins. COST: If paying monthly bills is a stretch then $20-50 for the 8 week series If paying bills is doable, then $60-200 If paying bills is easily done and you can spare some to help someone else and keep these classes accessible, then $210-320 You can choose how you pay on the registration form. REFUND POLICY: Full refund available if you are unable to attend.
Full guarantee - You may get any amount of your fee returned if you are not satisfied with the class up to the 3rd session. After that we can have a dialogue about it being prorated. One or two day workshops you may get 50% of your investment returned if you are not satisfied. You can also send a check. Email for the address.
TO PAY THROUGH Venmo send to: Venmo: @Marcia-Christen For Zelle: Marcia Christen