Schedule a FREE 1 hour consultation with me, in person or over the phone, to see if any of the services are a fit for you or your organization. Fill out the contact form under the contact tab or email me at [email protected].
Nonviolent Communication Introductory workshops - 1 or 2 days
Nonviolent Communication 8 week introductory class series
Parenting from Your Heart 8 week class series
Finding Harmony within Ourselves 2 day workshop
Living in Harmony with Others 2 day workshop
Connect with Respect - a series to teach youth Nonviolent Communication
Empathic Coaching in person, over zoom video, or over the phone
Themed workshops for your organization or business
How to live a more peaceful life - stress reduction workshops
One to one teaching
Heart FELT 9 month program for integration of Nonviolent Communication - for personal, interpersonal and systemic change and growth
Nonviolent Communication Introductory workshops and class series:
Gain awareness of your habitual patterns of communication with yourself. Learn to have compassion for yourself and be clear on what you can do to reduce your stress and increase your inner peace.
Learn the process of self-empathy.
Gain the ability to empathize with others: Learn to have the ability to be more compassionate to others even in difficult conversations. Have more understanding of your choices and gain more connection to those you choose to listen to.
Learn to be authentic when you speak in a way that can be heard by others and will lead to more connection and understanding.
Gain clarity of what you are really wanting and ask in a way that others will want to give you what you're wanting and visa versa.
Become aware of the freedom and choice you have in any moment by understanding the 3 modes of Nonviolent Communication.
Have opportunities to practice the 3 modes of NVC: self-empathy, honesty and empathy.
Increase the joy and peace in your relationships.
Learn a 6 step processes for strengthening the relationship with yourself and the ability to use this in your every day life to strengthen your relationships with others.
In an introductory class:
You will discover the habitual patterns of our communication.
You will learn about the four parts of Nonviolent Communication and the distinctions with each part: observation vs. evaluations, feelings vs. thoughts, needs vs. strategies, and requests vs. demands.
You will learn the key principles of Nonviolent Communication and the application of them in every day life.
You will learn about, understand and practice the 3 choices we have in any moment: Self-empathy, honesty, and empathy.
Parenting from Your Heart Class series:
Learn how to communicate with your children in a way that will still maintain their self-esteem and promote trust and connection in your relationship.
Gain insight into the ways we speak and are heard as parents and how this can be transformed to foster connection, understanding and cooperation in a way that is in alignment with your values.
Learn how to foster internal motivation within your children.
Learn how to help your children navigate their inner landscape of feelings and thoughts so that they are rooted in self-awareness and choice instead of reactions.
Learn how to foster attachment so that you can stay connected to your children even during the teen years.
Practice Groups: It is strongly recommended that you continue your learning in a practice group after an introductory or parenting series. I have found that replacing habitual language with a new language takes practice and I enjoy providing that support in a safe, nurturing, fun environment. You can create a group after an introductory class with the participants in the class or join an already existing group.
Empathic coaching:
Receive specialized coaching to take your practice to a higher level. In a safe environment, gain insight and support with whatever you want to work on - how to self-empathize, how to be compassionate to others, how to speak in a way that can be received, difficult relationships, how you talk to yourself, reducing stress, reaching a goal, etc. Receive insightful empathy to gain clarity of what you are wanting so that strategies to get what you want are apparent. Tap into your inner strength to increase your self power.
Themed workshops Possibilities include, but aren't limited to:
How to Live a More Peaceful Life
How to Live a Compassionate Life
Connect with Respect
How to Move Past Guilt and Regret
Empathy: What is it, How do We Do It?
What Makes it Difficult to Speak Our Honesty?
How Do You Work with Anger: What's it Telling Us?
Connected Conscious Parenting
How do you Connect with Children in Your Classroom?
How Do We Deal with Self-doubt?
How Do We Keep the Inner Peace We Find on the Yoga Mat?
Care for the Caregiver
Introductory 8 week class series - $210 individual, $350 couple.
Parenting From Your Heart 8 week class series - $210 individual, $350 couple.
Care of the Exuberant Mind 2 day workshop (12 hours total), $210 individual, $350 couple
Practice Groups - $15-$20 per 2 hour practice group.
Empathic coaching Session - $110 per hour for an individual, free 1 hour consultation included before first meeting. $125-150 per hour for a couple or family.
Speaking engagements: $100
Scholarships are available for all classes, workshops and practice groups. I am committed to working with anyone to arrange a payment plan that works for you. I ask that you see what you are able to contribute that still meets your own sustainability. I also recognize that there are many ways to contribute - time, finding other participants for the classes, etc.