Heart FELT curriculum. SEE guidance on Resource page for pricing.
Heart FELT curriculum.
Digital curriculum with 39 sessions! Plus video links and visuals.
Purpose: To practice a FELT SENSE of, and remember, habits of the heart - interdependence, shared power and compassion.
To transform habits of domination, colonizing culture - blame, judgment, punishment, and power over - in the body, where we store our learning.
This can be used in a learning group or community, with certification candidates, in self-study, etc. It is self-paced and has everything you need for a lesson plan already to go! It used the Pathway to Libration Matrix created by 4 certified trainers, The Core Commitments created by Miki Kashtan, and the Key Distinctions from the Center for Nonviolent Communication. It also brings in a lens of the obstacles when we have identities that have access to resources to meet needs and obstacles when we don't or haven't had identities with access to resources to meet needs currently, or historically.